
Please enjoy the replay of our recent talk on Christian Science!

by James Shepherd, CS


James Shepherd

James has seen the healing effects of God’s love since
he was a youngster, romping through the woods around
his home with his three brothers. They had their share
of scrapes and bruises which were quickly healed
through prayer. On the rare occasions they felt sick,
they relied on Christian Science for quick healings.

In high school his family moved to a ranch where they had cattle, horses,
sheep, pigs, chickens, and turkeys. He graduated from college with a Bachelor’s degree
in agriculture, but realized that serving as a Christian Science healer was the best way
he could serve others. He left the ranch and took up the full-time work of helping others
find healing through prayer. Thirty years later, he still loves this work as much as ever.

Over the years, James has enjoyed being active in many roles in his local
Church of Christ, Scientist, and has worked at summer camps for
Christian Scientists and their friends. He has also shared the message of
Love’s transforming power in prison settings and youth detention centers.
When his four children were little, he coached their sports programs.
He finds other ways to help his community, such as by volunteering at
a neighborhood church to help cook a free breakfast for those in need.

James loves spending time with his family and doing any outdoor activity.
But his greatest joy will always be to find, and to help others find, a more
tangible sense of God’s love for everyone and how that improves
every aspect of our lives.